Your Trusted Guide to
Catalytic Converter Recycling
Results are as is, Metal and FX prices are updated hourly, Highly customisable, Prices are transparent. 3D and AI technology embraced and adopted succinctly.

Discover Catalopedia
Catalopedia aims to provide transparent price discovery to combat arbitrary and predatory pricing.
We use the latest 3D technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to overcome confusion in the identification of catalytic converters.
The trustworthiness of buyers and sellers can be ascertained through the reviews in the Market Listings feature.

Why Catalopedia

You decide your price settings, i.e the returns of the metals, lease rates, lease days, and the various treatment, refining charges etc. We then use live prices and FX to determine the refining price customised to YOU! You can also purchase the analysis for your reference.

Metal Prices and currency exchange update automatically. No need to depend on anyone for pricing. You can check the prices by yourselves. We can buy at retail prices, if we have a local buying partner in your area.

Our products can be viewed in 3D. Our measurements are digital and highly accurate. We also use these 3D files to generate thousands of images with varying simulated backgrounds and environments automatically. This is used to train our AI which uses neural networks to predict by shortlisting unknown products.
This, however, is on Beta stage and the Identify feature works only on products already on our existing database.

Don’t work for anyone. Work with us. As a team, as partners. We can agglomerate volumes from many suppliers and offer the collective advantages to you. We can help solve your problems like cashflow, metal price risks through hedging, finding local seller etc.